Saturday, August 11, 2012

I might regret this…

This poor closet needs to be organinzed...stat!
So for those of you that know me, you know I love to shop. I shop when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I’m bored, when its 3pm…ok maybe not that last one but you get the drift. I love shopping! I especially love finding great deals and I refuse to pay full price knowing whatever item will be on sale in a week.  Now that my love for shopping has been expressed, I’m going to do something I’ve never done before. I am going to ban shopping from my life until May 2013. Why you ask?!?! I asked myself that same question when I found those words coming out of my mouth as I told my husband (ok, they didn’t came out of my mouth, they came out in a text via Words with Friends since that’s mainly how Michael and I communicate while he’s deployed!) Anyway, I have decided to push myself not to shop until May 2013 because I realized I have entirely too many clothes, most of which I don’t wear. Hell, I still have stuff with tags on them that have moved with me over the last 3 years and 2 moves (yes, we moved 2 times in less than 3 years…love the military!) and we’ll be moving again in 8 months. I realized I always wear pretty much the same few outfits because I love them but I have a lot of cute things in my closet that I love and they deserve just as much wear as my every day fall back items. The fact that my husband has to keep his clothes in the spare bedroom closet because I took over our closet (pictured above), our dresser, and our hall coat closet is just sad...not to mention the clothes I have stored in our basement! So that’s that. I am challenging myself to shop in my own closet(s) until we move back to the states! Wish me luck!


  1. Wow Jenn! That is quite the challenge! Good luck! I really need to reduce my shopping.

    1. Thanks! I figure I just gave up carbs and dairy for a month and went a year without my husband...I can handle 8.5 months of no shopping! Not to mention I don't shop a ton in Germany because of the exchange rate...I don't think I could do 8.5 months if I was in the states! We'll see how it goes! -Jenn

  2. you can do it! I did it for 3 months and man, it felt good!

    1. Thanks!! Did you find yourself browsing clothes online?? I've been stalking fashion blogs and pinterest and torturing myself! PS, just checked out your blog, adorable!

  3. I'm doing a similar challenge, but with grocery shopping. Until we use most of what is in our fridge/freezer- no big grocery shoppings. Just fresh fruit and veggies. :)

    1. Thats awesome Nikki! I wish I had enough food in my house to have to do a challenge like that but with Michael being gone I don't have much food around! -Jenn

  4. We found ourselves being so wasteful. We had so many things expire before we got to use them. So, I've decided buying in bulk when things are on sale isn't always best! BUT buying every color of a tank or tee when it's on sale is still best!
