Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What We’re Lovin’ Wednesday

Funny thing…Michelle and I are both loving the same thing today! Unbeknownst to us, Michelle and I both bought the same Old Navy Rock Star skinny jeans (in camp fire) and we BOTH love them! We both own other ON rock star skinnies, but they haven’t had a dark wash out in almost a year…so I guess we both saw that the camp fire color was just released and we snagged them! We actually both have the same sheer peach top (we may live apart, but yes, we still shop for each other!) that I grabbed for us in TJ Maxx and we decided to each show you our take on how to wear our favorite skinnies and the peach shirt!

My outfit may look a little fall inspired, and it is, because it feels like fall here. Seriously, it's been pretty damn chilly in Germany! Upper 60's to low 70's, insane! I decided to pair my skinnies and sheer peach top with brown leather wedges, a leopard print belt, my Louis Vuitton, and my gorgeous earrings my friend Bridget got me (thanks B!) I think the outfit is cute and perfect for this odd summer/fall weather! Also, I apologize for my cheesy closet mirror self portrait! PS, love your outfit, Michelle! I would never have thought to tuck this shirt in...I will be copying your outfit since I have similar shoes :)
xoxo, J

My take on the outfit is more geared to Knoxville's hot,sticky weather. I mean, any temperature under 90 is a cool front this time of the year. As you can see, this is my attempt at prepping it up--tucked in, skinny belt, and a soft bun. The platform heels are a bone color and it takes some serious skill to walk in them. I would definitely wear this outfit out to dinner but would slip on some ballet flats if any walking (outside of to and from the car) was required! Happy Wednesday!! PS--Jenn-love your take on the outfit!!
xoxo, M


  1. I think you both look adorable...I love skinny jeans and have a couple in bright colors, but am looking forward to fall for those richer hues! I love that you shop for each other and I love your blog! SO glad you're sharing your adventures with us here :)

    1. Thanks Kate! What colors do you have? I love the bright colors but I have yet to buy a pair for myself! I'm slightly intimidated by color! We love your blog too! I wish I was stateside so I could do a southern picnic! -Jenn
