Friday, July 6, 2012

Can it get any hotter?

Enough is enough all ready, heat and humidity. As luck would have it, my first summer in Knoxville resulted in record breaking heat last weekend at 105 degrees on both Saturday and Sunday. Our neighborhood looked like a ghost town because everyone was indoors. The neightborhood pool was too hot to go in and the thought of going to an air conditioned movie theater was quickly vetoed because we knew the car would get to about 400 degrees during the 90 minutes we'd leave it in the uncovered parking lot. This left giving the house a thorough cleaning as the best option. Oppression I tell you!!

Now on to the good news, I received a surprise in the mail earlier this week from Mark. It was a couple of items from Lululemon, including this awesome sundress. Yes, it is a tad too long so I'm getting it hemmed. However, it is extrodinarily comfortable and perfect for a day at the lake, pool, or beach. Plus, it would be perfectly acceptable to wear it out to a low key dinner afterwards.

 As if the heat hasn't made me sweat enough, I'm off to the gym to get in a little cardio.

Happy Friday! XOXO, M

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